Poetry of the Russian Gateways

Permanent Exhibition



All these gateways are related to one of the most famous memorial places of the Silver age: Brodjachaja Sobaka (the Stray Dog). It is located on the Ploshchad' Iskusstv (Arts Square) in St. Petersburg, Russia.  Splinters of the former great culture.  By the way, the architecture is a creation of Karl Rossy. Can you imagine him looking at these pictures?


Gateways -

Stray Dog. - Gateways in St. Petersburg 1. - Gateways in St. Petersburg 2. - Gateways in St. Petersburg 3.  - Gateways in St. Petersburg 4.  - Moscow's Gateways 1. - Moscow's Gateways 2. - Provincial Gateways 1 - Provincial Gateways 2 - Provincial Gateways 3


Wallpaper - Gateways - Necropolis - Landscape

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