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Some advices for inexperienced

If you are overweight, try to lose 2-3 pounds.
The trip is a challenge for people who sit at desks all day and drive back and
forth in cars. Your job is much easier than this trip.
Don't let them wake you up at night for food.
The next day you will not be in good shape for your trip or business.
Don't forget to check your camera before
leaving. I wasted 15 rolls of film and didn't get a single picture from the
trip, because my camera was defective.
Here's what to expect in London:.
1. The British speak the original version of

2. They do not speak or laugh loudly, nor wave
their hands around. They do not put their feet on the table. At the same time
they are friendly, polite and attentive.
3. The subway is cleaner and more beautiful than
in New York.
4. London is more expensive than New York.
Here's what to expect in Paris:

1. Paris is more expensive than
2. For some reason, the French don't speak
3. They may not like it when you
4. At the same time they'll always like the way
your wife speaks, no matter what language she uses.
In both London and Paris...
Don't be surprised to find that the British and
French have a longer history than the Americans or even the Russians. Consider
this: Europe has a great past, America a great present, Russia a great future.
Have a nice trip!
For those who like fine art.
A museum that contains art from all the ages and all the styles does not
exist in Paris. Louvre keeps art from Ancient Age till 1848. If you want to see
Impressionists, you have to go to the museum d'Orsey. Its exhibition contains
Fine Art and craft from 1848 till 1914 and involves styles from Barbison school
to the Art Nouveau and Art Deco. Also, you can see the impressionists in the
Orangerie Museum. It also can be named as the Museum of the Famous Names or
Museum of the Weak Works of the Genius Artists. The next Modern age can be seen
in the Art modern de la Ville de Paris museum. And finally, Centre Georges
Pompidou - for those who like contemporary art.
If you expect to meet in the French museums such artists as Borovikovskiy,
Tropinin, the art of the Peredvizhniky, Mir Iskusstv, Bubnoviy Valet or Golubaja
Roza, you will be extremely disappointed. Also, you do not have a chance to see
there Alexander Gerasimov, Glazunov, Nalbandjan, Shilov, Tseretelly - even
educated Frenchmen did not hear about them. You may be much luckier, if you
would like to find there Kandinskiy, Malevich, Suetin and small number of other
Russian artists, who are considered as a foundation of the Western Fine Art of
the 20th century. And in general I am deeply convinced: the best place to see
Russian paintings is Russia.
Cemetery Ste-Genevieve-des-Bois is in suburban Paris,
1/2 of hour on a train from St Michel station, and then
by bus. It can be recommended for both: Simply Russians and New Russians.
However, if the names Zinaida Gippius or Sergej Bulgackov do not tell anything
to your heart, do not waste your time and go to Moulin-Rouge. It is an exciting
place and I guarantee you a lot of fun and full satisfaction for your money.
And finally, it is a
very important document
below. It was created by friend of mine
Dan Stiefel, who is an
experienced traveler. All his advise was extremely helpful for my trip to Paris
and also to London.

A PARIS GUIDE 1993 (by Dan

PACK LIGHT and then half it again, a VERY
comfortable pair of walking shoes/sneakers, Read guides BEFORE you go, no time
later. Resist initial "camera finger"- every sight will look like a post card at
first, at home they will be "another mysterious building picture". With time you
will learn to choose your shots and pace yourself. For Jet Lag start adjusting
your sleep schedule (leave tired -sleep on the plane) before you leave USA,
drink a LOT of water on the plane and no ALCOHOL. Before you leave USA make sure
you have and know how to implement your Medical Insurance in case of emergency
Pack a prescription for Sulpha Methoxylol Trimethoprim 800/200mg (Bactrim) in
case of intestinal trouble.
Restrain your judgment and ANGER when
encountering Parisians different attitudes and customs or it will isolate and
prevent you from discovering and experiencing their very different lifestyle
which is based on a different sense of values (which is probably superior to
ours if measured on a food, love, arts, style, index.). My guess is that if you
can do this on this trip you will gain a different perspective and learn as much
about the USA as you do about France.
FOOD: DON'T ever take a drink, food, etc. at any
cafe facing a monument or spectacular view. The bill will be equally SPECTACULAR
(Ex $8.00/coke) Go around the corner instead or a couple of blocks away. Food or
a drink at the counter or bar is always cheaper than at a table. A beer or glass
of vin ordinaire is cheaper than a coke throughout France. The tip is always
included in the bill but you can tip for good service-up to 10%. If a waiter
suggests something and you respond Merci -it indicates no not yes! When in a
restaurant Best deal by far is to order one of the Prix Fix Menu's (all courses
and drink complete) rather than a la carte. Menus always displayed outside.
Middle eastern food is abundant, excellent and inexpensive throughout Paris.
MONEY I use VISA and MC (make sure you have your
PIN numbers and they are working!) to obtain my spending cash from the
omnipresent money machines (Cash advance) because it avoids banking hour and
travelers check hassles. VISA & MC accepted everywhere but I avoid using them
for small purchases as the unscrupulous can tack on extra service charges.
To US-from any public or private phone in France
(except the pay variety found at the bar of a restaurant) 24 hr per day you can
call the USA easily and at the cheapest rate (app. $2.50/connection & $1/min.)
by using ATT Direct [without inserting a coin, pick up the receiver and dial 19,
wait for the tone, dial 0011 and you will speak directly via satellite with a US
ATT operator. You can reverse the charges or charge it to a ATT card. The French
system is complicated and twice the price. MCI & Sprint have similar setup.
Within Europe: go the any Tobac shop or post
office and buy a $5 or $10 plastic electronic phone debit card for the pay
phones. There are no longer many pay phones in France that accept coins.
SHOPPING good luck-clothing is generally twice
the price because unlike the USA, France protects its manufacturers and taxes
the bejusus out of all Asian imports. (Most Europeans own fewer clothes of a
higher quality) Tax is included unlisted. Reasonable prices and style in the
dept. stores Galleries Lafeyette or Printemps. Left bank for trendy. Don't miss
the three flea markets on Sat and Sun. Cligancourt, Vanves, Montreuil. Look them
up in guide. also street market-rue de Buci/rue de Seine. Tue-Sun
TRANSPORT Metro , bus and RER best within Paris
with Carte Orange or Carnet. After 12:30-1:00 A the Metro is shut- must Taxi.
Outside Train best. Remember there are five SNCF train stations-each departs in
a different direction. TGV IS GREAT (200mph) but requires a reservation (extra
$3) as do couchettes (sleeping accom.) on other trains. 2nd class is a fine way
to travel on regular trains. Might try 1st class one way on the TGV. (2nd class
TGV is airline seating rather than typical European compartment style). REMEMBER
on many trains and buses you punch/cancel your own ticket either on the train
platform or on the the little colored metal machine on a pole. Don't
drive in the big cities if at all possible. Parking IMPOSSIBLE. Remember cars
entering a freeway or traffic circle have right of way. Fasten your seatbelts,
grit your teeth, and run those gears like Parnelli Jones. It's totally different
than American driving. Maybe you will live to tell me about it. Whatever you do,
don't hesitate!
---Neck wallet-or put money in shoe, front
pocket-or fannie pack, NO WALLETS OR PURSES
---One Student size nylon backpack. or similar.
For camera salami, water, bread guide books, umbrellas sweaters etc. Have the
man carry it or don't let it hang on a girls one shoulder.
---Camera film and dev. twice the price in
France so ..... (35 mm point and shoot best option-full size becomes target for
the gypsies)
---Small binoculars ?
--- several passport like photos (from mall
machine) for Carte Orange metro pass
---Cheap key chain COMPASS. You will constantly
get turned around in the small twisting streets
---Pocket phrase book and Pocket Dictionary (for
either can substitute electronic version which is good because usually includes
currency and metric converters Ex. SII Seiko Translator Eng-French, 40,000 words
& phrases $20-25 in electronic or travel stores.
---Michelin green guide or other detailed guide.
A pocket guide (Ex. Fodor's) to Paris is a good supplement because it is easy to
access and carry.
---Take a zip lock of ivory snow, string and
some plastic clothespins- Laundromats are rare, laundries expensive and
sometimes problematic if you are on the move. Wash out underwear etc. before
going to bed. Better to take few clothes and wash than lug monster bags.
---2 compact umbrellas
---Handiwipes, Toilet paper, toilets don't
always have it and many times its the hard scratchy kind) medicated powder
(great for the shoes and underwear), aspirin, bandaids etc., needle, thread,
safety pins, spare prescription eyeglasses,
---IMMEDIATELY in metro station get small and
large scale metro and bus maps and buy for each either the Carte Orange-coupon
jaune [(most probable) (remember to retrieve the coupon jaune from automatic
turnstiles) for unlimited Metro, bus, RER traveling within Paris for a week.
(app $10 each)], Tourist pass (More expensive-good if you will be traveling
frequently to the environs of Paris) or buy normal tickets in a Carnet (10 pack
reduced price)
---Go 2nd IMMEDIATELY to Eiffel Tower upon
dropping bags in apt. You have arrived! Whenever you make the ascent (then or
later) do so at a off tourist hour, walk the steps to the first levels, elevator
---3rd IMMEDIATELY go to the nearest TOURIST
OFFICE for maps and SPECIAL EVENTS and EXHIBITS information. These special
events (festivals, exhibits, markets) will MAKE your trip.
---Notre Dame - Ile de la cite and walk the bank
of the Seine at that point.
---Get up early and go 8:00 A to the Place
Lepine -(Ile de la cite) flower market. All markets are fascinating -look for
----Left Bank: (Latin quarter) most typical
(although touristical Parisian quarter. Good for exploring by foot. Blvd. St.
Michel, Blvd. St Germain, Rue Bonaparte, Rue Jacob. Boutiques, antiques,
galleries, restaurants.
---Shakespeare's used English book shop (near
Notre Dame on the left bank close to Blvd St. Michel. Hemingway, Gertrude Stein
et al used to gather here in their infancy with George who is still the owner
and usually there. He used to have a standing offer. Read a book a day and help
cook and you could stay in the rooms above the shop for naught.
---Sorbonne-Visit if possible, wander around the
halls until you find and sit in a empty lecture hall. A powerful feeling and
very different from US
---Montmartre-once at night (dinner and the
view) and once during the day to see Sacre Coeur. Old artists hangout. good
restaurants. Walk up the steps to it
---Walk from the Louvre through the Tuilleries,
along the Champs d' Elysees (expensive eats) to the Arc de Triomph (Can climb)
or visa- versa.
----Pigalle restaurants or clubs by night for
good food and artistic "east village" experience
----La Saint Chappelle -I'le de la Cite see the
lower and upper chapel MAGICAL!
---Seine River Cruise (from right bank) about
$8, better by day.
--- Les Halles near Pompidou walk through.
---Place Vendome. The most expensive shops and
hotels. An eyeful.
---Bois de Boulogne - 2000 acre park with many
facilities etc. Nude prostitutes in warm weather!
----Versailles- outside Paris-can take the RER.
count on the better part of a day. Pack a sausage-cheese wine lunch to eat in
magnificent gardens.
----Fontainbleu?? another palace outside Paris.
---Monet's Giverny ??- 10 mi outside Paris.
----Chartres?? one of the greatest Medieval
Cathedrals 55 mi outside Paris
MUSEUMS Carte Musee (museum card) available at
Metro station or museums. A bargain if you will be doing many museums and it
fits your schedule. 50f/day, 100f/3 days, 150f/5 days. Good for most museums.
Will avoid waiting in lines. Most museums cost app.$5 but make sure you check to
see if they have a free day (Many on Sunday and what their closed days are. Get
a descriptive museum brochure from the tourist office (Bureau d' Tourisme)
----Louvre: maybe a good place for the $5/75min.
English tour. You can't see all of this place in a month so pick beforehand what
you want to see, get in and out. Maybe on two different days. The ongoing
archeological digs outside Louvre are interesting
----Musee d' Orsay My favorite museum. Converted
railway station. Incredible redesign. Best impressionism collection in the
world. Don't miss cafe on 3rd floor behind clock with spectacular rooftop view
----AND many others particular to your taste
(look at Bureau d' Tourisme)

Wallpaper -
Gateways -
- Landscape
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