Single Sisters' House existing condition: looking
from NE and the roof fragments |
Single Sisters'
German CLAY
Salem Academy and College
Winston-Salem, NC

Single Sisters' House: roof repair. 20th century |
The problem appeared when restoration of the Single
Sisters’ House roof was planned (Old Salem, NC). A kind of the existing
roof layout required a special attention and special research. The roof clay
tiles overlapped each other only vertically: their bottom parts covered
partially their top parts. Same time they did not overlap horizontally. They
touched to each other side by side. It means the gaps remained between the
nearest tiles. Water easily penetrated through those gaps.
Ephrata Cloister: Bake house. Exterior, roof tiles
layout and view at roof from the attic |
It was done a special research of this German roof type
in Pennsylvania area. Three locations were observed: Ephrata Cloister (Bake
House), Conrad Weiser Homestead (Weiser House and Springhouse) and Daniel
Boone Homestead (Smoke House). All these buildings are covered with the same
German type of clay tiles with the gaps between them. It was an impression
the water has to penetrate through the gaps dramatically. At the same time
the wooden roof and ceiling structures were in surprisingly good and dry
condition. Historic preservation specialists, who worked with those historic
monuments also told: there is a very minor of water penetrates through this
type of roof, which is not critical. So it was complete impression there is
and original type of roof covering.
Daniel Boone Homestead: Smoke House. Exterior and view at roof from
the attic |
John Larsen,
vice president of Old Salem, Inc., is a professional, who has learned the
problem comprehensively. He presented a German book published in 1763 with a
roof covering structure. A strip of wood has to be installed underneath of
the gaps between tiles.

Old Salem, NC: Bake House Addition Roof |
He also showed
a local (Old Salem) kind of roof, where narrow and thin single shingles were
installed underneath of the gaps instead of lath. It made a great advantage:
the shingles, which getting rotten or damaged can be easily replaced from
and attic instead of fixing a roof from outside and taking structures on
apart. Such kind of roof covering has more important advantages: it is much
lighter in weight (lack of a horizontal overlap; vertical overlap is only
3” with entire length 15”) and much cheaper.
German 18th century book: title page and roof cover
layouts. Fig 1 is a kind of roof used for the buildings in Old Salem, |
The Single
Sisters’ House roof has wooden board sheathing. It does not allow using
the original type of wood shingle, because the sheathing prevents repairing
the wooden shingles in case of their damage. It means a different kind of
construction has to be used for thins building.
Igor Kiselev
May 2005
German book: title sheet and types of roof
cover. NC |
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