Books and Catalogs:
- Dormers of the first half of the 19th century. Catalog. Moscow: Sousrestavratsija, 1987.
- Windows of the first half of the 19th century. Catalog. Moscow: Sousrestavratsija, 1989.
- Investigations of historic architectural finishes. Moscow: Rosrestavratsia, 1993.
- Stoves in the buildings of the 18th - 19th centuries. Moscow: Rosrestavratsia, 1992.
- Parquets in the buildings of the 18th - 19th centuries. Catalog. Moscow: Rosrestavratsia, 1992.
- Chronological scales for the Moscow masonry of the 16th – 19th centuries. Moscow: Rosrestavratsia, 1986, 1990, 1997 (three editions).
- Mathematical modeling of interior space in the residential houses of the end 18th - first half 19th centuries. Moscow: Rosrestavratsia, 1989.
- Cornices on the buildings of the first half of the 19th century. Moscow: Rosrestavratsia, 1988.
- Pictures' hanging in the residential interiors of the 18 - 19th centuries. Catalog. Moscow: Rosrestavratsia, 1989.
- Wallpapers in the Moscow's residential buildings of the 18 - 19th centuries. Moscow: Rosrestavratsia, 1988.
- Investigation and design of the windows of the first half of the 19th century. Moscow: Rosrestavratsia, 1989.
- Dictionary of the architectural terms, 18th - 19th centuries. (Part 1: Space planning in the interiors, Windows, Doors, Woodwork joinery). Moscow: Rosrestavratsia, 1990.
- Dictionary of architectural terms, 17th - 19th centuries. (Part 2: Mica windows of the 17th century, Stoves, Parquets, Window and Door Handles, Cornices.) Moscow: Rosrestavratsia, 1991.
- Wallpaper of the 18th and first half of the 19th centuries. Catalog of the first exhibition in the museum “Wallpaper in the cultural context”. Philadelphia, PA. Museum, 2000.
- Early Victorian wallpaper. Catalog of the second exhibition in the museum “Wallpaper in the cultural context”. Philadelphia, PA. Museum, 2000.
- Historical wallpaper in the 1870-1930th. Catalog of the third exhibition in the museum “Wallpaper in the cultural context”. Philadelphia, PA. Museum, 2000.
Published reports for the international scientific conferences:
- Principles of reconstruction of lost details in dwelling houses of the end of the 18th - beginning of the 19th centuries. Vilnius: Theses of reports for the republican scientific-technical conference "Improving the research and restoration works of countryside mansions and their adaptive reuse", 1984.
- Wallpaper as a dating material. Helsinki: Reports for the international scientific conference "The Viborg's old relicts and monuments", 1992.
- Survey of Architectural Artifact. USA and Russian experience. Kyiv: Reports for the international scientific conference "Problems and experience of protection of the historical sites", 2002
- Wallpapers of the Moscow Empire style. Moscow: Panorama of the Arts, 1978.
- Decorative layouts of the walls in the residential interiors of the first half of the 19th century. Moscow: Rosrestavratsia, 1988.
- Residential restrooms of the 19th century. Moscow: Rosrestavratsia, Bibliographical bulletin #11, 1979.
- Problems of masonry dating of the Russian ancient buildings in the literature of the 18th - 19th centuries. Moscow: Rosrestavratsia, Bibliographic bulletin #7, 1978.
- Planning of the interior space in the residential houses of the late 18th and the early 19th centuries. Moscow: Rosrestavratsia, Bibliographical bulletin #12, 1979.
- Cornices of the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Moscow: Rosrestavratsia, Bibliographical bulletin #16, 1980.
- Doors of the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Moscow: Rosrestavratsia, Bibliographical bulletin #2, 1978.
- General typology of the walls decorations in the 19th century interior. Moscow: The World of Museum #2, 1992.
- Wallpaper story in the Lermontov’s house. Moscow: The World of Museum #2, 1994.
- Parquet in Russia. Moscow: The World of Museum #3, 1991.
- Wallpaper in Russia. Moscow: The World of Museum #6, 1990.
- Problems of the Memorial Museums. Moscow: The World of Museum #1, 1990.
- Gardens of the Ancient Capital. Moscow: The City Services of Moscow #8, 1987.
- The Ancient Restrooms. Moscow: The City Services of Moscow #12, 1980.
- Where does a Museum Start? Moscow: The City Services of Moscow #12, 1989.
- Education in Old Russia. Moscow. The City Services of Moscow #3, 1981.
- Moscow Roads Genealogy. Moscow. The City Services of Moscow #12, 1981.
- Historical Buildings and Their Value. Moscow: The City Services of Moscow #10, 1979.
- A Little Bit about History of a Street Lighting. Moscow: The City Services of Moscow #11, 1983.
- The Old Buildings - Conservation or Restoration? Moscow: The Architecture of USSR #1, 1988.
- The Door's Hardware. Moscow: The Decorative Art of USSR #1, 1985.
- Stamps on the Moscow Bricks. Moscow: The Decorative Art of USSR #3, 1983.
- Wallpaper of the 18th-19th Centuries. Moscow: The Decorative Art of USSR #4, 1979.
- The Mica Windows. Moscow: The Decorative Art of USSR #4, 1981.
- Not Recreate, but Save and Conserve. Moscow: Mosproectovets #36, 1988.
- The Problems of the Vjaznikov Museum. Vladimir: Priziv #47, 1981.
- New Life of the Old House. Moscow: Vechernaja Moskva #70, 1977.
- The Lermontov's House in Moscow. Moscow. Vechernaja Moskva #131, 1977.
- The Page of the City' History. Moscow: Vechernaja Moskva #160, 1977.
- Russian Wallpaper in the 18th through 20th Centuries. Chicago, IL: Antiques & Collecting, April 1995.
- We must collect the art works of the whole humanity. Interview with director of the Nelson-Atkins Gallery Mark Wilson. Moscow: The World of Museum. March-April 1996.
- Why do we need the Internet? Philadelphia, PA: Mir, February 1997.
- Trinkets in the 19 century interior. The Coast, #7. Philadelphia, PA. 1997, pp. 190-205.
- Artist Nicholas Roerich. Almanac “Encounters”, #22. Philadelphia, PA. 1998, pp.194-195.
- Colors and lines of the past ages. Novoje Russkoye Slovo. January 12, 2001, p. 29.
- Springhouse in the Grange Estate. The Coast. Philadelphia, PA. 2002.